The Travellerguy Travel Shop


This page provides some information on items, equipment, materials, books etc, which I found invaluable during my travels. These items are provided at the Sponsored links below.




I have been using the Canon 600D DSLR camera to take most of the pictures along my journey. I keep two lenses: One 18-55mm lense for wide angle and a 55-250mm for close ups and long range shots. This is an invaluable asset for the serious traveller who wants to capture good quality still photographs and video recordings. The Canon 600D has now been superseded by the newer 700D model. I highly recommend the Cannon 600D or a higher spec DSLR to capture quality images on the go.

Hiking boots


It goes without saying that a good pair of hiking books are essential to ensure the feet are looked after while they're busy working hard, with all the load you'll be carrying. I am now on my second pair having worn out my first pair of Scarpa hiking boots, after some serious stomping over 18 months. I choose the low cut and water resistant styles, so I can use them for off-road treking, as well as in town, reducing the number of shoes I need to carry. Both the Scarpa and Merrel boots I have used have been excellent.

Tablet computer


This is an excellent piece of gadget that I can use for web browsing, emails, web designing, picture management, image processing and much more. The one superior feature about the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Note, which makes it invaluable to a traveller, is the handwriting recognition. You can scribble your notes and it converts it into text, without the need for any keyboards. This makes it extremely handy when taking notes on the road, on the buses, trains, planes and many more confined spaces!

Smart Phone


My Samsung S4 smart phone is now slightly outdated but it has been a very useful gadget which can take reasonably good quality pictures whenever I don't have my DSLR camera with me. I personally find the camera quality on the Samsung Galaxy is what makes it stand out from its competitors.  



I have been using the same Karrimor Multi-pack 65 backpack for the last 5 years, even before I started travelling. It feels very comfortable with up to 25 kg and has proven to be highly durable. Mine has 65 litres of capacity and wouldn't recommend anything smaller for long term travelling.



This one and the duffle bag below are some of my favourite kits of all time. Mine was $30 which might seem a lot for a small rucksack, but it's been worth every penny. Its ultra-light nylon design makes it the perfect companion for long journeys as it weighs next to nothing and yet it is strong enough to carry more than other bags of its size. It feels very comfortable to wear and folds into a palm-size pouch for storage when not need. Perfect for long journeys where every extra ounce can sometimes feel like an extra kilogram of dead weight.

Duffle bag


The same comments and passion apply to this Duffle bag as to my Rucksack above. It has been extremely useful for carrying extra loads whenever I don't have space in my Backpack. When not needed, it folds into a palm-size pouch and only weighs 80 grams to carry.