
The Desert


This video is a collection of photographs I took from three deserts: The Great Gobi (Northwest China), The Arabian Desert (UAE) and the Great Rift valley (Ethiopia). This collection aims to give an immersive insight into my travels through deserts. The first thing that impressed me after the searing heat was how silent and quiet life is - gives one plenty of time for self-contemplation! Surprisingly, it is also an environment full of extraordinary natural beauty, and a highway for connecting lives and cultures.


The Road less Travelled


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
Being one traveller, long I stood
looked down one as far as I could...

(Robert Frost)


This is a collection of photographs of places I accidentally came to stumble across during the course of my travels. In other words, I hadn't even heard of the existence of most of these places before starting to travel. I have since spent long ponderings of how it was possible that I did not even hear about them, and yet they are some of the most spectacular places on the planet. The short and simple answer is that the world I knew was limited by my environment of where I was born, where I grew up and my interests in life. That I find is the beauty of travelling - It takes you out of your 'world' and comfort zones. It is impossible to experience the real world by staying within your familiar surroundings. I am now confident that there are still a lot more such spectacular places yet to be discovered which I would never even have heard about! Never stop exploring!