The beauty of the Ocean (A video summary)

 The Oceans cover 2/3 of the Earth. I realised how vast that is in real life when it took me 14 hours to fly across the Pacific Ocean from LA to New Zealand via the French Polynesian Islands in the South Pacific. It is vast! 


From the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Indian Ocean human life has evolved and adapted to live in harmony with this vast environment. It supports all forms of life submerged or afloat which depend on it for sustenance. Peoples' Cultures, their food, work, way of life, Religion, Philosophy, leisure activity, Social Life and their ultimate fate is very much dependent on the Ocean and its colours. 


This video is a summary of the photographs I took on the Oceans I came across during my travels. The most impressive visible aspect was the colours which have the most soothing and mesmerising effect. The Aqua Green and Turquoise Blue colours are due to the concentration levels of Phytoplankton in the waters. These are micro-organisms (plants and tiny creatures) that live in the Oceans. The more Phytoplankton there is in the water, the more the water reflects the Green spectrum of sunlight due to the Chlorophyll in the Phytoplankton. The lesser the Phytoplankton concentrations, the more the water appears Turquoise blue, provided it is clear water with no other minerals and other impurities. Apparently, due to these concentration variations, there are many shades of Blue and Aqua Green colours of the ocean, about 72 in total, depending on where you are in the world. The waters of the Indian Ocean around South East Asia have a high level of Phytoplankton concentration, producing an Aqua Green colour. It is serenely beautiful, creating the most calming effect. 


The evening colours of the Indian Ocean around Thailand have to be seen to be believed. The reddish colours of the setting sun mixed with the Aqua green reflections of the water create colours which can only be describes as surreal and nothing like I imagined would be possible to be seen in real life. I had to constantly pinch myself to check if it was real!


The waters around the French Polynesian Islands of Tahiti and Morea, in the South Pacific, have Turquoise Blue colours due to the lesser concentration of Phytoplankton. When I first came across these colours I sat for hours in a meditative contemplation and calmness trying to figure out how such colours were possible to occur in real life. I had been to many seaside places around the world but hadn't seen such colours. I now understand it is all down to the tiny creatures that live in the Oceans!