Gonna be a Roadblock! (A video summary)

Everyone hates Roadblocks! For most people the Roadblock on the way to work or going back home can be very frustrating. Being stuck in a Roadblock for hours is not the most interesting part of the day. But like death and taxes, a Roadblock is a fact of life. No matter where I went in the world, there it was! Except the Roadblocks I came across were so fascinating that I started taking photos and documenting them! I remember trying to calm my Tuk-tuk driver in Rajasthan (India) when he lost his temper with an Elephant driver, who was causing a Roadblock, just so I could take pictures! This video is a collection of photos I took of the interesting moments in the Roadblocks I came across during my travels. Never thought a Roadblock could be so interesting!